Minta Doyle

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Minta Doyle's Guestbook

fallen_simangelJan 10, 2007

Hey, thank you so much for your comment on my screenshot!^^\:\)

weirdfaerieJan 10, 2007

Oh and I have been meaning to ask! What is that song next to Jade? I can't remember... it's cool sounding though so I want to donwload it \:D

weirdfaerieJan 10, 2007

Hazel Patricia and Phinnaeus Walter were Julia Roberts' twins \:P I looked it up \;\) Ah the wonders of the internet. Apparently Chris Martin and Gwyneth also had a son last year called Moses. I love that name but doubt I'd be able to pull it off not being a celebrity and all \:D \:D \:D I was thrilled to see that the lovely jade and rick are now married!! Ooooh! I bet they will have such stunning children \:\) \:wub\: I love the pic of her on my background. It has a very mod/pop-art feel about it \:D My family keep seeing it and exclaiming how gorgeous she is. They didn't even realise it was a sim! And yeppy, I soooo live in a soap opera \;\) Haha Thankfully now I am free and single and very very happy indeed \:D

Pete789Jan 10, 2007

Thanks for signing my guest book!

dorabootsJan 9, 2007

\;\) non c'è di che cara sono bellishimi Baciotti \;\)

weirdfaerieJan 9, 2007

Oh and P.S! Run is gooorgeous!!! I love chasingcars but my ex Matt wrecked that for me by making it "our song" \:puke\: I don't cope well with romancey things... Unfortunately for him whenever I heard the song I always thought, and still do think, about my exex KD (the guy before him... Geez... \:rolleyes: ) *Randomness* it's frustrating cos that song is lovely... At least their newest one is reeally catchy!! It is going round and round my head right this second.. I wish I got their new album for Christmas \:\( (By the way, i'm bored thats why I am talking such random useless information!) TIFA

weirdfaerieJan 9, 2007

Okay... i have to confess something! I have the picture of jade with the song thingy at the side... as my desktop background \:rolleyes: \:eek\: \:rolleyes: !!! I just think she is stunning with the hair and the lips and the eyes... The colours are just so complimentry and gorgeous \:confused\: I am a jade fangirly \:o If you uploaded her on MTS2 I would definately download her \:P \;\) I am hoping to dye my hair red soon \:D A dark gorgeous yet vibrant colour I hope! I am a natural brunette but I have a lot of red in it so I am sort of half redhead \;\)!! Hey, the only reason I will let you have Chris Martin is cos he comes up with weird kid names. Doesn't he have a daughter called Apple Martini? The poor thing!!

weirdfaerieJan 9, 2007

Thankyou for the GB entries as always Minta \:D And thanks for thinking that I am talented \:o Kate Bush is so awesome isn't she? I've always loved her songs. She is so unique and unusual yet really pretty too with that gorgeous red hair!! I'm so envious of her hair \:wub\: I too love Coldplay, but I'm more of a snowpatrol girl when push comes to shove. But Chris Martin is HOT! I am so jealous of Gwyneth Paltrow.... Take care TIFA

buffy29Jan 9, 2007

grazie mille per aprezzare le mie creazioni ne sono onorata!\:wub\:

Pete789Jan 9, 2007

Wonderful screenshot! the sim under the shower looks so hot \:o \:rah\:

n8eulchenJan 8, 2007

Hi Minta Doyle, thank you for taking time to comment my screenshot \:\) The program I use is Ulead Photoimpact 11. Have a nice day - and happy simming \:\)

weirdfaerieJan 8, 2007

Thanks for having such confidence in me heehee Ooooh and I've been meaning to say, I LOVE Kate Bush \:D She is such an amazing singer. I even got my ex to fall in love with her \:P Just been looking at your newer screenies. They are really good \:\) I love the brightness of them your so good at shooting them!

weirdfaerieJan 8, 2007

Teehee Hello \:D Yessy I drew it myself. I love art \:wub\: The avatar didn't take too long to do, just a quick doodle really. I am currently working on a sprite painting though which is rather detailed and will hopefully be a masterpiece \;\) haha I haven't done meshing yet actually, I just tend to re-texture and re-alpha them. But I have read loads of tutorials and am beginning to understand how to make meshynesses now \:D I hope to do some soon! I'm looking forward to making hair!! And food also but that involves animations \:confused\: Its all rather complex \:rolleyes: Anyway, I haven't uploaded anything yet. I wasn't really sure if they were good enough to share \:o But seeing as everyone seems to love my avatar I think I shall try and get some up here soon \:\) I hope your day is good \:D Takey care!! *Hugs* Tifa

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

Thankies for the GB entry \:D And for the lovely comments on my avatar \:o I drew it myself so I'm incredibly pleased \:wub\: \:D And also thanks about the profile. I have been meaning to write it for aaages but never got round to it. And then once I had started writing... I just couldn't stop \:P By the way you sound a lot like a girl I knew once who lived in Italy!!! I don't suppose you are called Serena are you? Hehe Oh and I LOVE sims hair too!! peggysims is my favourite place to download it from, and I adore creating it too \:\) I hope to upload some of it soon! Take care girlie, *Hugs* Tifa

dorabootsJan 7, 2007

Dimenticavo di dire che mi piacciono molto i tuoi simmini ^__^ bravishima continua così ^__^ \:P

dorabootsJan 7, 2007

Grazie a te shi sono bellishime mi piacciono troppishimo \:\)

Pete789Jan 6, 2007

Hello + Happy new year \:D

confideJan 6, 2007

Hello \:\) Thank you so much for the lovely comment \:wub\:, I'm glad you like my new set! Have a wonderful day \:\)

jabireJan 6, 2007

Thanks Happy week end\:\)

Miyu-TenshiJan 5, 2007

Thank you so much and I love your sims and everything!! I love anime! Glad you like my avatar. I like your's alot too!! I'll be looking forward to those sims you might upload\:D! Well, have an fantastic day!!\:P \:\)

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